Your desires are fulfilled at the cost of your liberation

कामान्यः कामयते मन्यमानः स कामभिर्जायते तत्र तत्र ।
पर्याप्तकामस्य कृतात्मनस्विहैव सर्वे प्रविलीयन्ति कामाः ॥ २ ॥

“kaamaan jah kaamayate manyamaanah
sa kaamabhirjaayate tatra tatra
paryaapta kaamasya krutaatma nasti haiba
sarbay prabileeyanti kaamah.”

(Mundako Upanishad Verse 3.2.2)

People who have many desires, and wish to fulfill these desires, after leaving the body at death are accompanied by those desires and are reborn in these worlds where their unfulfilled desires are fulfilled. But for people who have no desires, their desires are finished in this life only. He attains liberation.

With Love and Best Wishes,

Paramahansa Atmananda Ji