Kriya Yoga Nederland
Welcome. We are pleased with your interest in Kriya Yoga and invite you to get a first impression.
What is unique about Kriya Yoga?
- Kriya Yoga is a 3-in-1 yoga; physical, mental, and spiritual. It is a balanced and functional combination of all Yogas.
- Regular practice of Kriya Yoga gives simultaneous benefits to the body, mind, intellect, and helps in realization of the Soul. It is useful for both for material life and spiritual life.
- It is an art and science of practical spirituality and is the key to Self-Realization.

What are the benefits of Kriya Yoga?
- Kriya Yoga offers simultaneous benefits:
– Physical wellbeing: It improves your fitness and immune system
– Mental: It improves your concentration power,
– Spiritual: It gradually helps you to understand and realize what life is about and what the real purpose of life is. - It is based on scientifically based breathing techniques, which gives the mind peace, calmness, ability to overcome the restlessness of the mind, sharp penetrating intellect, an excellent memory, and the ability to concentrate.
- Kriya Yoga practice gives a strong and vigorous health, efficiency in work, power of decision making, determination, and a sense of Universal Love and harmony towards fellow human beings.
- It involves the simultaneous use of breath and thought energies to go beyond the limitations of thought and experience the state of Pure Consciousness.

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The Basic Requirements of Kriya Yoga
- KY is not bound to age: everybody, young and old, can practice Kriya Yoga. It offers you wellbeing, peace of mind and happiness which is not related to outer circumstances.
- Perform all your actions and offer those actions as a service to God, with love.
- To get the benefits of Kriya Yoga, one must sincerely keep practicing Kriya Yoga regularly, at least 2 times daily.

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Paramahansa Yogananda Birth Anniversary